Hair Loss


Expert Dermatologists and hair loss specialists who specialize in treating all types of hair loss

Hair Loss

About the treatment

Why should I choose to come to you?

While all dermatologists are trained in treating hair loss, there are few exceptional experts with clinical and scientific background and passion for treating hair loss.  Here at True Dermatology we pride ourselves on non-surgical treatment of hair loss with the most up to date research and advanced innovations. We are particularly interested in treating cases of hair loss where patients and other providers have given up. That is where we start. Our success comes from not only treating your hair loss but also preventing hair loss before it happens. Dr. Calvin has published over 50 scientific peer reviewed articles on dermatology and hair loss specifically and his work has been cited in the New York Times. Please refer to Dr. Calvin’s published research on hair loss if you are interested in learning more about the science and future of hair loss treatment. Schedule your consultation now to get back the hair and identity you deserve.

Do you accept Medical Insurance?

Newport Beach:

Here at True Dermatology Newport Hair Loss Center, we accept Medicare and select PPOs. Most of our hair loss and cosmetic injections are self-pay and not covered under medical insurance.

Los Angeles:

At our Los Angeles office, we accept most major insurance plans (traditional medicare, medi-medi, PPOs) and several HMOs (Allied Pacific IPA and its affiliates). We also offer self-pay services cosmetic services.

Do I still need True hair therapy ™ if I am planning on or already had a hair transplant?

Yes, in fact, even more so! Both transplanted and non-transplanted hair are still subject to genetic and hormonal hair loss, albeit at different rates. While some of the transplanted hair may be more resistant than the non-transplanted hair to the same reasons that caused you to suffer hair loss in the first place, True hair therapy ™ is critical for maintaining all of the non-transplanted hairs to prevent further hair loss potentially saving you from another hair transplant.

Can I use True hair therapy ™ if I just had a transplant?

Yes, in fact the True hair therapy ™ combined with platelet rich fibrin injections will further promote retention of transplanted hair and promote further growth. True hair therapy ™ is synergistic with hair transplantation in order to achieve maximum results.

What can I expect during my consultation?

After showing up to your appointment, Dr. Calvin will personally review your medical and hair loss history in its entirety and identify all risk factors from genetics to medications that may be contributing to your hair loss. Here at True Dermatology Newport Hair Center, we believe in “less is more”. We will not order any labs or perform any unnecessary biopsies of the scalp unless there is a high suspicion your hair loss may be inflammatory in nature (i.e. alopecia areata, lichen planopilaris, discoid lupus, etc.). In most cases, the diagnosis will be made clinically sparing you from any procedures unless absolutely warranted. We will then decide, together, the course of treatment you are most comfortable with to achieve the results you desire. Treatments range from topical to oral and injectable hair loss medications. Please refer to our featured treatments tab for more details.

How often do I need to come back?

Frequency of followup and treatment will depend on your particular case of hair loss and will be determined during your initial consultation. Similar to any medical problem such as high blood pressure or diabetes, hair loss is a chronic condition that will require lifelong maintenance. There are no quick fixes or magical stem cell treatments.

Do infrared light or laser caps and hats work for hair loss?


What is Alopecia Areata?

he term "alopecia" simply refers to hair loss. There are several types of alopecia, including both male- and female-pattern baldness, medication or chemotherapy-induced alopecia, scarring frontal fibrosing alopecia. Scarring hair loss causes the hairline to regress from ear to ear, most frequently in older women. On the other end, alopecia areata is an autoimmune reaction where the body's immune system starts to attack its own hair follicles causing patchy—and occasionally complete—hair loss on the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, and body.

Lifetime risk of developing alopecia areata (autoimmune hair loss) is approximately 2%. It can happen in both children and adults and occurs at similar rates in males and females.

Why Am I Getting Alopecia Areata?

The majority of alopecia areata patients are genetically predisposed to the autoimmune disease. Environmental causes might exist, but far less likely. Some patients may also have autoimmune illnesses that affect the thyroid or other organs. Men and women are both affected equally by alopecia areata, and there is no known preference for any particular ethnicity. The first four decades of life are when it commonly manifests, but it can also happen later in life.

How Do I Know If I Have Alopecia Areata?

Alopecia areata can typically be diagnosed based on the patient's medical history and hair loss pattern on clinical examination. To confirm the diagnosis, a biopsy may be required in some circumstances.

How Is Alopecia Areata Treated?

Topical steroids and steroid injections into the regions where the hair has fallen out are common treatments for alopecia areata. In order for hair to regrow, steroids block the immune cells that are attacking hair follicles.

Baricitinib (marketed as Olumiant) has been FDA-approved for the treatment of more severe instances of alopecia areata involving more than just a small patch.

Oral minoxidil and True hair therapy ™ can also be used.

What Is Telogen Effluvium?

Telogen effluvium, characterized by temporary excessive shedding of hair, may occur in response to some type of stressor (physical, medical, or psychological) to the body. A poor diet or stressful events such as severe injury, illness, or childbirth can prompt the disease as more than 50% of the hair may enter the shedding phase and start to fall out. There are two types of telogen effluvium: acute and chronic.

What is temporary telogen effluvium?

People with acute telogen effluvium can be of any age or sex.

However, chronic telogen effluvium, where hair shedding may last for years may occur and often are misdiagnosed as simple hormonal hair loss. This is particularly true for women between 30 to 60 years of age who are suffering from chronic cycles of rapid hair loss without any significant family or personal medical history.

What are the treatments?

The condition is self-resolving in most cases. Although treatment is not necessary, utilizing True hair therapy to address the now more apparent underlying male and female pattern baldness hair loss patterns can help overall achieve more hair.

What Is Scarring or permanent alopecia? What is Lichen Planopilaris?

Lichen planopilaris is a rare skin disorder that affects the scalp and other hair-bearing areas of the body. It is characterized by patches of inflamed, scaly skin with associated hair loss. The cause of lichen planopilaris is unknown but it is thought to be an autoimmune disorder.

Frontal fibrosing alopecia is one subtype of Lichen Planopilaris.

How Do I Treat Lichen Planopilaris?

Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia is a permanent scarring hair loss condition that requires immediate treatment to prevent irreversible hair loss. ​

​For localized disease, topical and intralesional steroids may be used:

-Topical corticosteroids

-Intralesional corticosteroids

Generally considered first line for recalcitrant or aggressive disease:


-Adjunctive True hair therapy ™ injections and oral minoxidil

-Less commonly:

-Oral corticosteroids for more progressive or aggressive disease

-Mycophenolate mofetil





Can botox be used for calf and shoulder slimming and body contouring?

Botulinum toxin is commonly used off label in Asian countries at higher doses for muscle-slimming effects on areas such as the shoulder or trapezius or calves for the purpose of body contouring. Additionally, botox injection into the shoulder area can also help relieve upper body tension around the neck. While the use of botox for body contouring and slimming is popular practice in Asia, there is increased popularity in the United States over the past few years.

Is botox safe to inject on other parts of the body?

Botulinum toxin particularly at higher doses should only be injected by qualified dermatologists. Dr. Calvin has been trained by experts around the world and has also visited Asian countries of Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and China in person to learn from the best of the best on how to inject botox for reasons beyond just treating wrinkles. Botulinum toxin when injected by a skilled dermatologist is safe. In fact, botox is commonly used to inject in areas of the scalp for treating migraines as well as palms, soles, and under arms for the treatment of excessive sweating.

What is the cost per unit of botulinum toxin for body contouring?

Prices vary between every dermatologist when it comes down to pricing per unit (ranging from $10 to $20/U). Here at True Dermatology, it is our goal to make treatments affordable and achievable for you whether it is botulinum toxins for the face or body. Given larger quantities required for body contouring we will further discount botulinum toxin cost. Please inquire whether this is the right treatment for you at your next consultation with us.

Can Fillers be used for body contouring?

Yes! In fact there is an increasingly popular trend towards non-surgical and minimally invasive treatments for treating and contouring areas of the body such as the buttock. Fillers such as Radiesse can be used as an alternative non-surgical approach to provide a minimal “Brazilian Butt Lift” or BBL without having to undergo the knife. Other common areas for fillers include acne scar treatments and also rejuvenating the dorsal hands.


Self Pay

Hair and Scalp Conditions

You are in good hands


Hair Loss

Hair Loss



Hair Loss

We provide a wide range of hair loss treatments

True Hair Therapy ™ #1

$3000 for 6 treatments

True Hair Therapy ™ #2

$3000 for 6 treatments

True Hair Therapy ™ #3

$3000 for 6 treatments

True Hair Therapy ™ #4

$3000 for 6 treatments





Cosmetic dermatology

We provide a wide range of cosmetic treatments

Fillers (Juvederm)    


Botox (Xeomin ™)


True Peel 1 ™


True Peel 2 ™


True Peel 3 ™


Acne Scar Treatment












We provide a wide range of dermatology treatments

Self-pay Consultation/Visit (No Procedure) 


Wart/Skin Tag/Keratosis removal  


Skin/Mole removal (Pathology Additional*)  


Excessive Sweating Botox


Cyst Surgery


Skin Cancer/MOHS Surgery                                                            


True Hair Therapy ™ #1

$3000 for 6 treatments

True Hair Therapy ™ #2

$3000 for 6 treatments

True Hair Therapy ™ #3

$3000 for 6 treatments

True Hair Therapy ™ #4

$3000 for 6 treatments



Hair Loss

Customer succes stories

Review 3

Francis S

I found true dermatology through a friend of mine who came here before and came in after discovering hair loss due to an immune reaction that the doctor was able to diagnose immediately. He started me off with some local injections and while i was quite concerned initially due to the large patch of baldness and after a few months it went away completely. Now i can't even spot where the bald soot used to be and i am truly thankful for the treatments. I'm now visiting Dr.sung for preventative hair loss treatments since this seems to be a genetic issue within the family. Highly recommend this caring and thoughtful doctor!!..who would haave thought hair loss could be fixed??!!!

Review 1

Tina L

I recently saw Dr sung for early signs of hair loss as this is something that runs in our family. He had administered five sessions of the true Derm PRP and several months later i had significant hair growth that people around me have been commenting on. I feel so much more confident and would highly recommend to others and who are also battling out similar conditions. In addition, Dr.sung is very kind and caring which added to the whole experience!